
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Six new and improved features in Infinite Campus

Some of the new features in Infinite Campus include the ability to record grades using an iPad, create a customized drag-and-drop seating chart, and providing color-coded grades to show overall class progress at a quick glance. These features are available right now by logging in to Infinite Campus <> and clicking on the Campus Instruction button in the top right of the screen.

#1 Accessing IEPs and 504 Plans
View IEPs, 504s, PLPs and Health Restrictions for your entire class within the Roster. On the far right, you can see which students have IEPs/504s. Click on the Paper icon to access specific details of the student’s Personalized Learning Plan (PLP).

#2 Creating an assignment
The “Create Assignment” viewer is visually more appealing and contains virtually the same aspects as our current version of Infinite Campus. However, you will now be able to add a description, add objectives, and add references which are all visible to students.

#3 Entering comments on individual assignments
Enter comments is much easier in the Campus Instruction version of Infinite Campus. You can now add comments for an individual student or the entire class from within the same window.

Click to expand the field in IC beta to add comments

Add a comment for an individual student

Fill comments for multiple students

#4 Spark Lines
The sparkline graph is a great way to see how a student is doing over the course of the grading period.  It is also useful to show the students and the teacher how the student’s grades are compared to their classroom peers. On the standard gradebook screen you see the blue jagged line. That is each score over the course of the quarter compared to the max possible score.  When you click on a student, you see more detail about every score.  The yellow dot is the student’s score while the line at the top is the max score a student achieved on the assignment, while the line at the bottom is the lowest score.  In the following example, you can see that her first score of a 24 was the highest in the class, while her next score of a 4 is the lowest in the class.  The white square is explained below. If you just want to show a student this screen, you can click on the “Hide Others” button and then that student’s grades are the only one on the screen.

#5 Drag and drop seating

Instead of using straight rows and columns, you can now move seats into any arrangement and students can be dragged from one seat to another.

#6 Color coded grades
Grades can be colored green for passing grades and red for failing grades which provides the teacher with a quick visual of the students’ grades.

 Click here for a six-page PDF copy of the training session that was held on April 7, 2015.